About Us


Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church was established in 1927 on the grounds of Brickworks by the British, and since then God has been using this rural church mightily in meeting the needs of Tamil migrants to Singapore from South India. God’s hand has been slowly shaping and strengthening the church, which now has three generations worshipping at its premises at 85 Wishart Road. The church is constantly looking out for new opportunities to strengthen the church community and to reach out to the community at large. In 1972, the church shifted to Pasir Panjang Road, to the residence of the late Rev Daniel. For the next four years, that was where the Sunday School, our regular services and even our Vacation Bible School was held. We grew over the years and a pressing need for a permanent building arose.

In 1976, God helped us through the General Conference to acquire a piece of land at Wishart Road. God continued to bless us with much growth and in 1986, a second floor was added.
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About Us


Pasir Panjang Tamil Methodist Church was established in 1927 on the grounds of Brickworks by the British, and since then God has been using this rural church mightily in meeting the needs of Tamil migrants to Singapore from South India. God’s hand has been slowly shaping and strengthening the church, which now has three generations worshipping at its premises at 85 Wishart Road. The church is constantly looking out for new opportunities to strengthen the church community and to reach out to the community at large. In 1972, the church shifted to Pasir Panjang Road, to the residence of the late Rev Daniel. For the next four years, that was where the Sunday School, our regular services and even our Vacation Bible School was held. We grew over the years and a pressing need for a permanent building arose.

In 1976, God helped us through the General Conference to acquire a piece of land at Wishart Road. God continued to bless us with much growth and in 1986, a second floor was added.
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