Our theme & vision for year 2024
REAP- Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of
(Psalm 126:5)
(Psalm 126:5)
As a farmer joyfully reaps the harvest, we as LCEC members are to carefully reap the goodness
of God’s blessing.
- Reaping comes after the hard labor and work.
- There might have been tearful experiences and painful experiences.
- But ultimately when we are ready to reap all that pain and suffering is forgotten and we rejoice, giving thanks to God.
- Reaping requires special skills.

Our mission
- To focus on our church youths and evangelism.
- Praying for the new souls that we have listed on our bookmarks.
- Training our church members on evangelism
- Follow up on the people who have came to our special programs
- Looking at the needs of the active and inactive of our church members